Monday, February 20, 2006

What were you doing ..?

When you were 21 years Old ?

Hmm..I was in my second year of B.E at Crescent Engineering College...Trying to figure out how I can pass my Maths III exam..(Which I eventually figured out when I was like 23..C'mon people its not that easy or is it ?)

But..this post is not about me...Its about Lebron James...for those who don't know who he is ! I think its about time you get to know this 21 years old kid..errr...Man Child...(6 Ft 8 in 240 lbs )

Lebron was the highest vote getter (in the Eastern Conference) as a forward for the All Star game in Houston.It was a weekend of fun for all Pro-hoops lovers. I enjoyed it even more coz my beloved Cavalier brought home the All Start Game MVP trophy.

For all who think..Lebron's just a ESPN highlight reel...Take a look at his resume..So far..

Youngest Rookie Of the Year Winner,
Youngest to 1000 points,
Youngest to score 40 in a game,
Youngest to score 50 in a game,
Youngest to 2000 points ,
Youngest to triple double,
Youngest All-NBA Player,
Youngest to 3500 pts , 1000 Reb, 1000 Asst.,
Youngest to 5000,
Youngest All-Star MVP

Pretty Impressive huh..For a guy who could not legally drink a beer until about 2 months ago ?

History says...All great NBA players hit their PRIME when they are 26-28 years old...

Watch out..This is going to get real ugly !


Sriram said...

Totally! If he stays healthy, he'll probably re-write most records, ala Tendulkar!

He's such a joy to watch!

Anonymous said...

Dude your guy got thrashed thrashed by your current home team and you guy was booed by his own city people... What you think about that?

Filbert said...

All these records will count to nothing unless and until he wins the stuff that matters - RINGS!! MJ is still revered bcos he was able to win all those rings. So, as long as he doesnt win a ring, he will remain what he is now - a Sportscenter highlight guy!!

Before any Lebron fan jumps on me, I have to concede that he still has a lot of time left to win championships.