Monday, October 31, 2005

Does terrorism "Dampen" our Spirit ?

Some of my Reader's would not know about Deepavali ! The festival of lights in India.This Hindu festival, has grown more into a Indian festival..and I am glad that it is that way.I celebrate Ramadan..and Christmas so why not all of us celebrate Deepavali ?

In terms of magnitude , its like Christmas in the US of A.People look forward to it each year and make plans around it.There's lots of and my favourite part "Fireworks".

At such a fun filled times of the year came the news of serial bomb blasts in New Delhi...India's capital.59 people died..more than 200 injured. The bomb blasts occurred in a crowded marketplace in New Delhi. Well , an unknown terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for the act. Their stance being "The world thought all of are dead ..after the earthquake in PoK(Pakistan Occupied Kashmir)...We did this to prove them wrong".

My stance is more like this. I think the earthquake proved to be a natural stimulant to better Indo-Pak relations. and the anti-social elements just could not see that happen without a blemish such as this. After this incident, we go back to playing the blame game.Our external affairs ministry blames , Govt sponsored terrorism of Pakistan. Though sometimes, I do feel Pakistan might have indulged in sponsoring terrorism, I dont think its them who did it this time. They have bigger issues to tackle on hand.

Well leaving the politics out of this, I jus think of the repercussions of such a heinous act would be devastating to the human spirit. I cannot fathom the loss of human lives and the effect it has on their families. The festive season has suddenly turned into a nightmare for those kids who lost their parents.

The Indian Government has to toughen pro-active to weed out these terror cells within the country. I am sure no-terrorist bought a round trip ticket to come to India and bomb New Delhi. These demons are at home ..and we need to take'em out !

All this leads to my title, do these bomb blasts dampen our spirit ? Do we move on ? or should we ? Natural disasters are a different animal...we have NO choice but to move on. Its not like we could have done anything to avoid "Katrina" or the "Tsunami" ..sure we could have been better prepared. but we really cannot prepare for something thats not under our control coz of the unknowns. I even cracked up for a moment. hearing this..

Conversation between a two guys in New Orleans b4 Katrina Strikes:

Guy1: Dude..arent you evacuating...the hurricane is going to hit tomorrow?

Guy2: No...Im staying home...

Guy 1: What makes you think you would survive this ??

Guy 2: GOD..will take care of me !!


Unlike..this situation..God is not making people to kill other least in my book..

If its different in your book...I think you need a new book !


Anonymous said...

I think that terrorist acts do dampen the human spirit to a degree. For people not directly affected, their grief and angst will pass fairly quickly because for them life continues to go on. For the people directly affected, I think they will never be the same. Particuarly children who lost their parents. Thier lives will never be the same.

I think that on a more global level, a society cannot afford to let terrorist/terrorism dampen their spirit. To do so admits defeat and that the terrorists with their barbaric practices are somehow right.

Anonymous said...

When I read the news every morning the first thing I question is the existance of a force above us. Why would God (whatever his name may be) breathe life into murderers? I am ashamed of myself because I belong to the human race, a species which is doing some really unforgivable things! But then how am I any better passing judgement and not doing anything to stop it. Its not good enough that I or other regular peace loving folks think this is terrible, we've got to do something. We do forget too soon... we move on even when we shouldn't. We dont let it dampen us enough ...Diwali originated as a festival of lights and a celebration of a victory of good over evil(Rama versus Ravana); maybe if I allow terrorism to dampen my spirit more, then I can spend my time and money on the victims of these terror attacks or education or creating opportunities in whatever small way in my little society and thats a Diwali by itself.
On a happier note, fortunately we have a handful of Mother Theresas and other un-named angels who create little Diwalis everyday!

Sriram said...

It is very difficult to see this from outside. I can't even imagine my anger if terrorism directly affected me or my close family/friends.

From that angle, I appreciate what America is doing to safeguard themselves. (not that I justify the iraq war, just the preventive efforts).

India on the other hand appear to just take, take and take all this crap and do nothing significant to counter it. I mean, the other day they gave death penalty for the 1 guy that masterminded the redfort attacks. but the other 2/3 people got 7 yrs. That's it. In the US, freaking domestic violence can keep you in jail for that long.

Zeppelin said...

machi, awesome blog... cool post..

liked the last line very much - very you.. :) "you need a new book" :))


Sayee said...

Thanks machi..Glad you liked it !
I really meant..what I